Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just getting started...

Today is one of those days where you wake up and feel inspired. You want to change the world and make things better. Then you have to go to work and all that good intention flies out the window... I'm going to try to hold on to it and get going on this here blog. I am a dragon maker. I've tried lots of other things and haven't been to successful...insert frustrated snort here... But, when it comes to dragons and my own little minions of "Hell Spawn" I have a ball. With this blog I plan on sharing my creatures with whom ever would like to stop by and check them out. Thanks to some motivations from (Check Dolores out she is a great sculptress!) and that inspiration I seem to have found I also plan on trying out posting some free tutorials on how I "birth my babies". Thanks for stopping bye...


  1. We all inspire each other and watch us all grow as artists and friends. Congratulations on the blog which is something I'm just learning about too!! Lets learn and grow, together and if I can help you in any way just let me know!! Your friend, Dolores

  2. Thanks so much Dolores! I'm trying to figure it out too. So far, so good. I'm hoping I can corner my son when he comes in tonight and have him help me do a couple things.

  3. Sally, Your tute is just the best. I've looked for a long time for a dragon tute that I thought I could handle and yours is with everything else you do. KIII
