Saturday, February 7, 2009

An update on the tutorial...

I am working on the first tutorial non-stop at the moment. What I am going to do, to help those who want to use it, is to write the entire sculpting portion so I can load it on the blog in order of how the tutoial flows. After the sculpting portion is all done I will post it and then work a second tutorial on how to paint and embelish your dragon. I plan on having the sculpting portion all up and going by tomorrow evening. I'm breaking a sweat...good grief, what a chore. But I must admit I am having a ball doing it and hope anyone who reads or uses the tutorial has as much fun as I am making a new creature!


  1. Sally, I got the link to your blog from Christi Friesen's e-mail list. Your sculptures are lovely, and I'm enjoying your blog.


  2. Thank-you very much. I just finished my first tutorial and need a nap! Hope I can keep it up.
